How to find us

Guesthouse Bad Kilchberg

Anne and Derek McLaren

Haupstrasse 25, 4496 Kilchberg



By car: The Guesthouse Bad Kilchberg is located between  Zeglingen, BL and Rünenberg, BL - about 10 minutes away from Gelterkinden, BL.

-> Please enter Hauptstrasse 33, 4496 Kilchberg in your GPS (our old house number, which has now changed but not been updated on google maps)


By train/bus: The Guesthouse Bad Kilchberg is located close to the bus stop Zeglingen, Sagi (bus number 104) - From Gelterkinden a bus leaves every hour in the direction of Zeglingen, Oberdorf.

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SBB - Mobility Tickets

Only a few meters away there is a bus stop (Zeglingen Sagi). With the bus you can travel to and from Gelterkinden, BL. From Gelterkinden you can travel throughout Switzerland and also to destinations in Europe. 


With the Mobility ticket you can travel around the whole TNW-Netz (Baselland, Basel included) free of charge during your stay.



Basel (BSL) - 33 km


Zürich (ZRH) - 49 km


Belp (BRN) - 64 km